Choosing the Best Public Cloud Platform for Your New Business

Choosing the Best Public Cloud Platform for Your New Business

Starting a new business involves making countless decisions, and one of the most crucial is selecting the right public cloud platform. This choice can significantly impact your business’s scalability, flexibility, security, and cost-efficiency. With major players like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) dominating the market, it’s essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each to make an informed decision.

Before diving into the specifics of each platform, you need to evaluate your business requirements:

  • Scale and Growth: How quickly do you expect your business to grow?
  • Budget: What is your budget for cloud services?
  • Technical Expertise: What level of technical expertise does your team possess?
  • Compliance and Security: Are there specific regulatory or security requirements for your industry?
  • Service Requirements: What services do you need (e.g., compute power, storage, AI capabilities)?

AWS is the most mature and widely adopted cloud platform, known for its extensive range of services and global reach.


  • Comprehensive Services: AWS offers over 200 fully-featured services from data centers globally.
  • Scalability: It supports businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.
  • Ecosystem: A robust ecosystem with extensive third-party integrations and a vibrant marketplace.
  • Innovation: AWS continually innovates, offering advanced services in AI, machine learning, IoT, and more.


  • Complex Pricing: AWS’s vast array of services can make pricing complex and potentially high without careful management.
  • Steep Learning Curve: The extensive features can be overwhelming for beginners.

Best For: Businesses that need a broad range of services and plan to scale rapidly.

Azure is a strong contender, especially for businesses that are already integrated into the Microsoft ecosystem.


  • Integration with Microsoft Products: Seamlessly integrates with Microsoft software like Windows Server, SQL Server, and Office 365.
  • Hybrid Solutions: Strong support for hybrid cloud setups, which is beneficial for businesses that need to combine on-premises and cloud solutions.
  • Enterprise Focus: Azure has a robust set of services tailored for enterprise needs, including compliance and security features.


  • Service Overlap: Sometimes, there are overlapping services, which can lead to confusion.
  • Documentation: While improving, Azure’s documentation has historically been less comprehensive compared to AWS.

Best For: Businesses already using Microsoft products or those needing robust hybrid cloud solutions.

GCP is known for its strengths in data analytics, machine learning, and open-source technologies.


  • AI and Machine Learning: Google’s prowess in AI and machine learning is unmatched, with services like TensorFlow and BigQuery.
  • Open-Source Friendliness: Strong support for open-source technologies and tools.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Competitive pricing, particularly for data-intensive operations.


  • Smaller Market Share: While growing, GCP has a smaller market share compared to AWS and Azure, which might mean fewer third-party integrations.
  • Enterprise Services: Historically, GCP has been more focused on startups and less on traditional enterprises, though this is changing.

Best For: Startups, data-centric businesses, and those heavily invested in AI and machine learning.

  • Vendor Lock-In: Ensure that the platform you choose does not lock you into their ecosystem to the extent that switching becomes difficult and costly.
  • Support and Community: Consider the level of support and the community surrounding the platform. A strong community can be invaluable for troubleshooting and innovation.
  • Future-Proofing: Choose a platform that is continuously innovating and expanding its services to ensure it can support your future needs.


Selecting the best public cloud platform for your new business is a critical decision that requires a careful assessment of your specific needs and strategic goals. AWS, Azure, and GCP each have unique strengths that cater to different types of businesses. By understanding what each platform offers and aligning it with your business requirements, you can make a choice that will support your growth and innovation for years to come.

Remember, the right choice is not just about the current capabilities but also about how well the platform can adapt to your evolving business landscape. Choose wisely, and you’ll lay a strong foundation for your business’s success.


This post is apart of the lead up to my DevOps Start Kit for SaaS businesses. Check out more business related content here.

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